Sukma, 04 August – The district of Sukma is grappling with severe challenges as continuous rainfall has caused rivers and streams to overflow, plunging villagers in the interior areas into dire conditions. A stark example of this crisis emerged from the Naxal-affected village of Palamadgu, where 28-year-old Madkam Podiya had to be urgently transported to the hospital after experiencing severe vomiting and diarrhea.
The journey to the hospital was fraught with difficulties. The ambulance, unable to reach the village due to a rain-swollen drain blocking the way, left the villagers in a critical predicament. In a heroic effort, ambulance pilot Sheikh Akbar alerted the villagers to the situation. Consequently, Podiya was transported on a cot for 10 kilometers across the treacherous terrain to reach the ambulance. He was then taken to Dornapal hospital for treatment.
The dire situation in Palamadgu is exacerbated by the ongoing Naxal threat, which has thwarted infrastructure development, including the construction of a much-needed bridge over the problematic drain. Despite multiple tenders being issued, work has stalled due to the persistent fear of Naxal violence. The absence of a bridge and the lack of proper roads on this route severely hinder access to the village.
During the monsoon season, the overflowing rivers and streams isolate the villagers, making daily necessities a life-threatening endeavor. The unbuilt roads and bridges, primarily due to the Naxal threat, leave the interior areas of Sukma district in a perpetual state of vulnerability, particularly during heavy rains.
Villagers recount the perils they face, emphasizing that the lack of infrastructure forces them to risk their lives regularly. The Naxal insurgency in Sukma has left many areas without basic road connectivity, compounding the hardships faced by those living in remote regions, especially in adverse weather conditions.